Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Elementary

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammatical rule that every elementary student must learn. It can be quite challenging to keep track of the various verb forms that go with specific subject pronouns. Yet, subject-verb agreement is critical for effective communication and writing.

As an editor experienced in search engine optimization (SEO), I have noticed that many students search for subject-verb agreement quizzes online. A subject-verb agreement quiz can help students test their understanding of this important rule. Here are some tips on creating and taking an effective subject-verb agreement quiz for elementary students.

Creating a Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz

When creating a subject-verb agreement quiz, start by selecting basic sentences that contain subject-verb agreement errors. The sentences should be straightforward and appropriate for elementary students. Here are some sample sentences:

1. The cat (is/are) sleeping on the couch.

2. The kids (play/plays) outside every day.

3. My sister (does/do) her homework every night.

4. The bird (flap/flaps) its wings to fly.

5. My parents (go/goes) to work early in the morning.

For each sentence, provide two options for the verb form, and the students need to select the correct one that agrees with the subject.

Taking a Subject-Verb Agreement Quiz

When taking a subject-verb agreement quiz, students should read each sentence carefully and identify the subject and verb. They should then determine which verb form agrees with the subject. Here are some tips for answering subject-verb agreement quiz questions:

1. Pay attention to the subject pronouns – Match the verb form with the subject pronouns. For example, «he runs,» «they run,» «she dances,» «we dance.»

2. Watch out for tricky subjects – Sometimes, subjects can be tricky because they are not straightforward. For example, «The group of students (is/are) playing in the yard.» The subject «group» is singular, but the phrase «of students» can be misleading and make the subject seem plural. In this case, the correct verb form is «is.»

3. Check for subject-verb agreement – After selecting the verb form, make sure it agrees with the subject. For example, «The dog (bark/barks) at the mailman every morning.» The subject «dog» is singular, and the verb form should be «barks.»


Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammatical rule that every elementary student must master. A subject-verb agreement quiz can help students test their understanding of this rule and improve their writing skills. By creating and taking effective quizzes, students can develop their grammar skills and communicate effectively.